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Data collection has finished - thank you to everyone who contributed!
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Call for help from museum professionals

If you work in a museum with a medical collection, I would love to hear from you!


My research argues that medical museums are unique as a kind of heritage institution and your insight is essential in understanding the value that these collections have for the public.


Depending on what time you have available, there are several ways you can contribute to this project:

  • If you have 5 minutes, respond just to my main questions:

    • Do you think your museum fits into the category of 'medical museum'? Why or why not?

    • What do you think might be unique or valuable about medical museums in contrast with other kinds of museums?

  • If you have 15 minutes, respond to the brief list of questions below (or download the document).​

  • If you have 30-60 minutes, email to schedule an interview to discuss your museum and your work. 


Please send any responses or questions to


*If responding by email:

Before you send your response, please review the Information and Consent Forms here


Indicate in your email that you have reviewed these forms and consent to be included in the research.

Please also let me know if you are comfortable with me identifying your museum in any outputs.

Research questions for museum professionals:

Answer as few or as many as you like and return to

  1. What messages/ ideas do you want visitors to take away when visiting your museum?

  2. Who do you see as the main audience(s) for your institution?

  3. How do you feel your work is shaped by the collection, your institution’s structure/history, or other factors?

  4. Can you tell me about any aspects of your collection that are particularly effective in presenting information to the public? (for example, any specific objects or kinds of objects)

  5. How do you think visitors feel after they visit your museum? In what ways do you try to understand or engage with audience emotions?

  6. Do you think your museum fits into the category of 'medical museum'? Why or why not?

  7. What do you think might be unique or valuable about medical museums in contrast with other kinds of museums?

Download as document: 

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